Saturday, June 6, 2009

Samurai 7

Just finished Samurai 7. Finally. JM downloaded the final parts of the series and finally got to complete it. Worth the wait. Each and every samurai had his own character and role in the whole story - and the action and animation was great.

The seven Samurai were composed of:

Shimada Kambei- your typical leader (calm and calculating)
Katsushiro Okamoto - the apprentice
Gorobei Katayama - the smart entertainer
Shichiroji - the "spears and rope" guy
Kikuchiyo - the muscle in the group
Hayashida Heihachi - demolitions expert
Kyuzo - silent assassin

The emperor (antagonist in the story) himself was rich in character. You could never guess what he was going to do next and his motives were always unclear. What really got this series going was the recruiting part - Kirara was tasked by her village to hire samurai that would help protect their farms against bandits. Each found samurai led to their own stories and motives in the whole scheme of things.

Next stop - The Seven Samurai (the inspiration behind the samurai 7 cartoon series) 


Vicky G said...

we have a dvd of seven samurais. i'll bring it to the office if you want to borrow :)

gab said...

please yes XD