Friday, July 16, 2010


@Natz and I watched ToyStory I and II on DVD last night and it brought back nostalgic memories. It was fun piecing together which stuff transitioned over from I and II to III and which ones disappeared. It also had a game in it which was really a personality test to tell you which Toy Story character you were. Lalee was a Woody, loyal and dependable. I was a Buzz Lightyear. Go Figure.

You've got a friend in me.

Thursday, July 8, 2010


A lot of sacrifices had to be made. The transition took some adjusting and I'm still in the process because I keep thinking about friends I've made from my previous work. The work is not as hard but there are days when it can get toxic. The best way to go about it is just to be above it all. Just keep thinking that sacrifices have its benefits. If you want something, you've got to work for it. The rewards are great but just can't help and think back sometimes. Sentimental idiot.