Saturday, June 26, 2010

Toy Story 3

Warning: May contain spoilers. Watch the movie first.

When Toy Story (TS) 1 came out, me and my siblings watched it around 6 times. It was that good. First CGI feature-length animation. The story wasn't too bad either. It's your classic tale of the old,faithful and loyal vs. the snazzy,more versatile character. In the end they both came out on top. Woody and Buzz both have very different characters and yet they still manage to be the best of friends. Woody is your loyal guy that will do anything for the sake of friendship. Buzz on the other hand is very objective in everything that he does so much so that everything is a mission for him. The whole ensemble is a contradiction of sorts as Rex is your timid dinosaur, and Mr Potato Head is your all-time-sour-puss. In toy story 3, Barbie is your empowered blonde American Woman. Just like Shrek, TS breaks stereotypes in such a way that you'll laugh about it. Ken was right on the money though. I'd imagine no less of how he was portrayed. Winner part: Mr Glow worm catching Barbie wearing heels and still thinking it's Ken. Tawa lang ako ng tawa. Twas a good break from work. Would like to watch it again 5 more times.

Friday, June 18, 2010


And your 2010 NBA Champions ..............................

Ron Artest really did a good job in Game 7. He even did a better job on his post-game interview. Search for it on youtube for a laugh. I didn't realize he was that funny. Or just too drunk.

The black mamba has a handful of them now. How about the other hand?

Monday, June 14, 2010


Went to Caliraya for an ocular with NM , IB, CV and Addie(short for audacity). Fuel consumption was at 15.3 km/l for 157 km. Not bad for a 4-hour drive(back and forth). The trip meter was really helpful in calculating how much gas we spent for that trip.

The drive was pleasant, save for some motorists who tend to eat up the road. We were treated to a couple of IBisms like "blind item" instead of blind curve , yung iba hindi na pwede ikwento, etc. hehe. You know how IB is. You'll know what I mean. Too bad JS couldn't come or else we'd be noisier.

Happy Independen day everyone!