Friday, July 7, 2023

Parts Unknown

 Just finished watching Roadrunner on Netflix, which is about Anthony Bourdain and this got me into thinking, why can't I start writing again? I stopped writing because internalizing can cause one to become too sensitive. Being introspective is both a blessing and a curse at the same time. Just like Tony, we keep running trying to find ourselves, but in the end, once we do get to the deepest darkest recesses of our thoughts, are we truly ever satisfied?


Do we ever really get to know ourselves? The algorithms may know us better. Youtube and Netflix is on spot on some of the videos it suggests. Lazada knows me very well and that is why I spend a lot of time with her everyday. But it's more of the same everyday. Looking inward has its price to pay. We may or may not be happy with what we will find. I guess that is why Tony kept running and looking for the next thing. Maybe what he needed was there all along and he kept looking inward and outward with no compass to guide him as to what he was really looking for. Some of us may be as manic as him, diving and immersing ourselves in passions and hobbies that can sometimes also burn us out. And once that is done, we move to the next without ever really finding out what we want out of this life.

Not really sure where I'm going with this but I'm really glad that Tony got me back to writing. I will try to make this a more regular thing. I've rediscovered that I love to write and just put my thoughts down.

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